Press Release
Personnel Change
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2024-2025
New Year Message from Shuji Yoshioka, President and CEO
SMBC Nikko Securities Joins Nonagon Connect operated by Nonagon Capital, a venture fund specializing in Web3, as a "Web3 Supporter"
Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2024-2025
Transfer of securities business as a first step to form a UK Universal Bank entity
Summary of remarks made by President Yoshioka in the Autumn 2024 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Personnel Change
Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2024-2025
Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2024-2025
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Message from President Yoshioka to New Employees for Fiscal Year 2024
Summary of remarks made by New President Yoshioka in the Spring 2024 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2023-2024
The replacement of the Representative Directors and President & CEO
New Year Message from CEO Yuichiro Kondo
ODX officially begins Operation of “START”,the First PTS in Japan for Security Tokens
SMBC Nikko Securities, NYK, and BANQ Participate in Fourth KOSEN* Intercollege Challenge -- Students from KOSEN present their original ideas on issues related to the shipping industry, human resources, and business --
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2023-2024
Personnel Changes
Summary of remarks made by President Kondo in the Autumn 2023 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2023-2024
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Creation of Universal Bank in UK - Transfer of Securities Business
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2023-2024
SMBC Group and Jefferies Announce Growth of Strategic Alliance
Personnel Changes
Personnel Change
Personnel Changes
Personnel Change
Personnel Changes
Summary of remarks made by President Kondo in the Spring 2023 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Disposition and Recommendation by Japan Securities Dealers Association
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2022-2023(Update)
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2022-2023
Tokyo District Court Decision for Violation of Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
Disposition Imposed by Nagoya Stock Exchange
Personnel Change
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Disposition Imposed by Tokyo Stock Exchange and Osaka Exchange
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2022-2023(Update)
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2022-2023
Submission of Report Based on Administrative Actions Imposed by the Financial Services Agency
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Administrative Actions by the Financial Services Agency
Personnel Changes
Recommendation of Administrative Disposition by Securities Exchange Surveillance Commission
Personnel Changes
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2022-2023(Update)
Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2022-2023
Personnel Change
Public Announcement of Investigation Report of the Investigation Committee
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2022-2023(Update)
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2022-2023
Personnel Changes
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Personnel Changes
Indictment of Our Former Officer, Employee and Our Company
Personnel Change
Delegation Contract with Executive Officers
Personnel Changes
Personnel Change
Personnel Changes
Personnel Change
Indictment of Our Employees and Our Company
Personnel Changes
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2021-2022(Update)
Personnel Changes
Re: Arrest of Employees and Establishment of an Investigation Committee
Personnel Changes
Launch of SMBC Nikko Securities America, Inc. Charlotte Branch (CLT)
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2021-2022
New Year Message from CEO Yuichiro Kondo
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2021-2022(Update)
Creation of a Universal Bank by merging two German subsidiaries
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2021-2022
Regarding Recent Media Reporting
Summary of remarks made by President Kondo in the Autumn 2021 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Personnel Change
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2021-2022(Update)
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2021-2022
Contributing to promote sustainable business in the United Arab Emirates
Application for the establishment of a securities company in China
SMBC Group and Jefferies Announce Strategic Alliance
Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2021-2022(Update)
Commencement of SMBC Nikko Capital Markets Europe GmbH Paris Branch
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Personnel Change
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2021-2022
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Summary of remarks made by President Kondo in the Spring 2021 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2020-2022(Update)
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2020-2022
New Year Message from CEO Yuichiro Kondo
Commencement of SMBC Nikko Capital Markets Ltd. ADGM Branch
Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2020-2021(Update)
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2020-2021
SMBC Nikko Leads First Green Bond Offering by Kanagawa Prefecture
SMBC Nikko Securities and KB Securities have Inked Amendment and Restatement Agreement (ARA)
Personnel Changes
Summary of remarks made by President Kondo in the Autumn 2020 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Commencement of Private Wealth business at the Singapore office
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2020-2021 (Update)
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2020-2021
Personnel Change
Commencement of Full Operation of Beijing Representative Office
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2020-2021 (Update)
Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economic Outlook for FY2020-2021
Summary of the remarks made by President Kondo in the Spring 2020 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Personnel Change
Personnel Changes
The replacement of the Representative Director, President & CEO
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economy Outlook for FY 2019-2021 (Update)
Personnel Changes
Personnel Change
Quarterly Economy Outlook for FY 2019-2021
SMBC Nikko Securities joins Climate Bonds Partners Programme
SMBC Nikko Leads Green Bond Offering by Tohoku Electric Power
New Year Message from CEO Yoshihiko Shimizu
Approval to Establish a Representative Office in Beijing
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Quarterly Economy Outlook for FY 2019-2020 (Update)
Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economy Outlook for FY 2019-2020
SMBC Nikko underwrites The Gunma Bank’s Green Bond
Summary of the Announcement by President Shimizu at the Autumn 2019 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economy Outlook for FY 2019-2020 (Update)
Quarterly Economy Outlook for FY 2019-2020
Personnel Change
Personnel Changes
Personnel Change
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economy Outlook for FY 2019-2020 (Update)
Personnel Changes
SMBC Nikko underwrites the Japan Railway Construction, Transport and Technology Agency (JRTT)’s Sustainability Bond as a Joint Bookrunner~First Asian CBI Programmatic Certification obtained~
Quarterly Economy Outlook for FY 2019-2020
SMBC Nikko Leads First Social Bond Offering by ANA HOLDINGS
Personnel Change
Partial Revision of the “Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year ended March 31, 2019 (JGAAP)”
Personnel Changes
Retirement of Statutory Auditor
Personnel Change
Commencement of Full Operations of New German Subsidiaries
Personnel Change
Summary of the Announcement by President Shimizu at the Spring 2019 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Personnel Changes
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Personnel Change
Quarterly Economy Outlook for FY 2018-2020(Update)
Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economy Outlook for FY 2018-2020
Re: The Investigation Report by the Investigation Committee and Our Improvement Measures
Personnel Change
Quarterly Economy Outlook for FY 2018-2019 (Update)
Re: Arrest of a Former Employee of Our Company
Re: Arrest of a Former Employee and Establishment of an Investigation Committee
Quarterly Economy Outlook for FY 2018-2019
Approval to Establish Subsidiaries in Germany
Approval to Establish a New Securities Subsidiary in Germany
Personnel Change
Summary of the Announcement by President Shimizu at the Autumn 2018 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Quarterly Economy Outlook for FY 2018-2019 (Update)
Quarterly Economy Outlook for FY 2018-2019 (Summer 2018)
Personnel Changes
Summary of the Message on the 100th Anniversary from President Shimizu to Executives and Employees
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Promotion of Health and Productivity Management ~Declaration of Health & Productivity Management and Appointment of Chief Health Officer (CHO)~
Summary of the Announcement by President Shimizu at the Spring 2018 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Summary of the Announcement by President Shimizu at the Extraordinary Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Merger with SMBC Friend Securities Co. Ltd
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Personnel Change (Obituary)
Personnel Changes
Summary of the Announcement by President Shimizu at the Autumn 2017 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Personnel Change
Revision of the Group Organizational Strategy in Europe
Personnel Change
Launch of a Project using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Improve Customer Satisfaction
Personnel Changes
Launch of a LINE-based automated chat service utilizing artificial intelligence (AI)
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Summary of the Announcement by President Shimizu at the Spring 2017 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Personnel Changes
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Personnel Change
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Retirement of Statutory Auditor
Personnel Change (Concurrent Management Responsibilities)
Personnel Changes
Notice regarding Changes in Subsidiaries among the SMFG Group
Execution of the Merger Agreement between SMBC Nikko Securities and SMBC Friend Securities
Summary of the Message from President Shimizu at the Autumn 2016 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Personnel Changes
Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Saudi Aramco
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Announcement on the discontinuation of Nikko Indices
Personnel Change
Personnel Changes
Memorandum of Understanding on the Merger between SMBC Nikko Securities and SMBC Friend Securities
Personnel Changes
Notice concerning Relocation of Branch(Shinjuku Branch)
Notice concerning Relocation of Branch(Utsunomiya Branch)
Summary of the Announcement by President Shimizu at the Spring 2016 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers
Retirement of Statutory Auditor
Personnel Changes
The replacement of the Representative Director, President & CEO
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Personnel Change
Summary of the Announcement by Tetsuya Kubo (President and CEO) at the Fall 2015 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers of SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Notice concerning Relocation of Branch(Himeji Branch)
Notice concerning Relocation of Branch(Wakayama Branch)
Summary of the announcement by Tetsuya Kubo (President & CEO) at the Spring 2015 Meeting of Department Heads and Branch Managers of SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
Personnel Changes
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Notice of Start of Operations at Totsuka Branch
Notice of Start of Operations at Akasaka Branch
Notice concerning Relocation of Branch
Reorganization of Group Companies Pertaining to the Asset Management Business
Personnel Changes
Personnel Change
SMBC Nikko Securities became the first Japanese company to win a gold prize in two categories at the 2014 Contact Center World Awards
Personnel Change
Personnel Change (Concurrent Management Responsibilities)
Announcement by Tetsuya Kubo (President & CEO) at the fall 2014 meeting of department heads and branch managers of SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
Organizational and Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Notice concerning Relocation of Branch
Notice concerning Change of Branch name
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Announcement by Tetsuya Kubo (President & CEO) at the spring 2014 meeting of department heads and branch managers of SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
Notice concerning Relocation of Branch
Organizational Changes
Personnel Changes
Notice concerning Relocation of Branch
Notice concerning Relocation of Branch
Organizational Changes
Personnel Change
Announcement by Tetsuya Kubo (President & CEO) at the autumn 2013 meeting of department heads and branch managers of SMBC Nikko Securities
Organizational Changes
Notice concerning Relocation of Branch
Personnel Changes
Announcement of New Medium-term Management Plan
SMBC Nikko Medium-term Management Plan(FY2013-FY2015)
Announcement by Tetsuya Kubo (Representative Director & President) at the spring 2013 meeting of department heads and branch managers of SMBC Nikko Securities
Retirement of Statutory Auditor
The replacement of the Representative Director, President & CEO
Organizational Changes
Organizational Changes
Execution of exclusive strategic alliance for Indian - Japan cross border M&A Advisory Services
Personnel Change
Donation for Hurricane Sandy Relief in the United States
Personnel Change
Announcement by Eiji Watanabe, President & CEO, at Meeting in Autumn 2012 of Department Heads and Branch Managers of SMBC Nikko Securities
Commencement of Securities Business in Singapore
Organizational Changes
Notice concerning Relocation of Branch
Personnel Change
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Submission of a Report on Business Improvement to Financial Services Agency
Business Improvement Order by Financial Services Agency
Release of the Investigation Report by the Investigation Committee and Formulation of Our Improvement Measures
Improvement and Enhancement Measures on Control Systems over Undisclosed Corporate Information
Personnel Changes
The Arrest of Former Executive Officer and Establishment of the Investigation Committee
Organizational Change
Regarding Recent Media Reporting
Personnel Change
Submission of Business Improvement Plan by SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
Business Improvement Order by Financial Services Agency
Recommendation for Administrative Action by the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission
Response to Today's Media Report
Appointment of Statutory Auditor
Announcement by Eiji Watanabe, President & CEO, at Meeting in Spring 2012 of Department Heads and Branch Managers of SMBC Nikko Securities
Personnel Changes
Organizational Change
Organizational Changes
Commencement of Securities Business in Australia
(Correction) Correction in the Financial Summary and Earnings Announcement
Enhanced Business and Capital Alliance between Moelis & Company, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, and SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
Personnel Change of Subsidiary
Announcement by Eiji Watanabe, President & CEO, at Meeting in Autumn 2011 of Department Heads and Branch Managers of SMBC Nikko Securities
Personnel Changes
Regarding Recent Media Reporting
Personnel Changes
Organizational Changes
SMBC Nikko Securities wins a silver prize in Best Outbound Campaign in Asia-Pacific, in a contest for the 2011 Contact Center World Awards; the first winner among domestic financial institutions
Personnel Changes
The Announcement of the arrest of former employee
Submission of Business Improvement Plan by SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
Personnel Changes
Business Improvement Order by the Financial Services Agency
Notice of Fraud Committed By Our Sales Staff
Nikko Cordial to Change Name to SMBC Nikko
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Nikko Cordial and KB Investment & Securities Have Inked Business Alliance Agreement (BAA) today
Notice concerning Relocation of Subsidiary Company
Personnel Changes
Organizational Changes
Nikko Cordial and Vietnam Oil and Gas Group Have Inked Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) today
Nikko Cordial's Equity Participation into PetroVietnam Securities Incorporated, In An Aim For Strategic Alliance
Name Revision of Wholly Owned Subsidiaries of Nikko Cordial
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Organizational Changes
Expansion of Securities Business Activities in New York, Hong Kong and Shanghai
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Organizational Changes
Notice Concerning Change of Trade Name
Summary of Remarks by Eiji Watanabe (President & CEO) at the General Managers' Meeting of Year 2010, fall, of Nikko Cordial Securities Inc.
Name Revision and Commencement of New Securities Business Activities of SMBC Capital Markets Limited, Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation
Organizational Changes
Notice concerning Relocation of Branch and Change of Branch Name
Personnel Changes
Management Changes
Commencement of Joint Private Banking Operation in Japan
Retirement and Appointment of Statutory Auditor
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Organizational Changes
Notice concerning Relocation of Branches
Personnel Changes
Medium-Term Management Plan
Medium-Term Management Plan of Nikko Cordial Securities Inc. (FY ending March 2011 to FY ending March 2013)
Summary of Remarks by Eiji Watanabe (President & CEO) at the General Managers' Meeting, Nikko Cordial Securities Inc., in FY2010
Personnel Changes
Personnel Changes
Management Changes
Organizational Changes
Organizational Changes
Organizational Changes and Retirement of Statutory Auditor
Organizational Changes
Organizational Changes
Personnel Changes
Organizational Changes
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation's Acquisition of Nikko Cordial Securities Inc. as its Wholly-Owned Subsidiary, Commencement of Operation by Nikko Cordial Securities Inc. as Securities and Investment Banking Company, and Establishment of Business Cooperation between Both Companies
New Appointments
General Managers of New Company
Personnel Changes
Corporate Organization and Executive Structure of New Company
Organizational Changes
(Reference:Citigroup's Press Release) Citi to Sell Nikko Cordial Securities to Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and to Forge Alliance with Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group
New Appointments
Organizational Changes
Branch Consolidation
New Appointments
Organizational Change
New Appointments
(Reference:Nikko Citi Holdings' Press Release) Citi Announces Delay in Plan to Merge Japanese Securities Subsidiaries Plans Further Integration in Institutional Securities Businesses
New Appointments
(Reference:Nikko Citi Holdings' Press Release) Regarding Recent Media Reports on Citi in Japan
Organizational Changes
Nikko Cordial Securities Call Center Business Awarded COPC-2000® Certification The First in Domestic Banking and Securities Sector
Citi postpones retail securities offering
Nikko Cordial Securities to Roll-Out Direct Course (Nickname: Nikko Direct)
Nikko Citi Holdings to Reorganize Cordial Communications Businesses (Nikko Citi Holdings Inc.)
Transfer of Investment Advisory Business of Global Wrap Service
Nikko Cordial Securities Inc. holds Nikko: Exciting Family Experience Day 2008
Nikko Citigroup to establish Institutional Client Coverage Division (Nikko Citi Holdings Inc.)
Eiji Watanabe named new CEO of Nikko Cordial Securities(Nikko Citi Holdings Inc.)
Monetary Donation to Victims of 2008 Iwate / Miyagi Inland Earthquake
Citibank Securities (Japan) Limited and Nikko Cordial Securities Inc. Complete the Integration of their Retail Securities Operations
Summary of Remarks by Mikio Kitabayashi (President & CEO) at the Spring 2008 General Managers' Meeting, Nikko Cordial Securities Inc. (March 22, 2008)
Notice concerning Establishment of New Branch
Citibank Securities Japan and Nikko Cordial Securities Agree to Consolidate Retail Securities Businesses
Notice Concerning Completion of Registration Change Regarding Investment Management Business
Closure of New Delhi liaison office and transfer of business function to Citibank India
Transfer of discretionary management business operations concerning Nikko SMA Premier-Port and Nikko Fund Wrap (discretionary)
Launching Program Trading Information Service for Foreign Exchange Margin Trading (ezFX)
Nikko Cordial Securities and Citibank joint seminars
Announcement of Proposed Integration of Retail Securities Businesses of Citi and Nikko Cordial - Citibank Securities Japan and Nikko Cordial Securities Start Preparation for Business Consolidation -
Summary of Remarks by Mikio Kitabayashi (President&CEO) at the Fall General Managers' Meeting, Nikko Cordial Securities Inc.(September 22, 2007)
Notice concerning Relocation of Branches
Notice concerning Organizational Changes and Appointments of Executives
Notice concerning Relocation of Branches
Notice concerning Relocation of Branches
Monetary Donation to Victims of 2007 Niigata Chuetsu-oki Earthquake
Nikko: Exciting Family Experience Day
Notice concerning Start of Introducing Brokerage Business with The Michinoku Bank, Ltd.
Notice concerning Relocation of Branches
Notice concerning Start of Introducing Brokerage Business with Seven Bank, Ltd.
Notice concerning Alliance in Introducing Brokerage Business between Pocket Card and Nikko Cordial Securities
Notice concerning Relocation of Branches
Notice concerning IVR-based Investment Trust NAV per Unit Inquiry Service
Notice concerning Start of Introducing Brokerage Business with Shikoku Bank
Notice concerning Completion of Registration as an Investment Adviser
Summary of Remarks by Mikio Kitabayashi (President & CEO)at the Spring General Managers' Meeting, Nikko Cordial Securities Inc. (Mar. 24, 2007)
Change of Directors
Change of Director of Subsidiary (Nikko Cordial Corporation)
Change of Director's Duty
Summary of Keynote Address of Mikio Kitabayashi (President and CEO of Nikko Cordial Securities Inc.)
Change of Directors
Launch of a New Nikko SMA Service "Global Port (discretionary)" and Enhanced Management for Promotion of SMA business
Notice Concerning Equity Acquisitions of Primasia Securities (Taiwan) and Primasia Securities (Hong Kong)
Summary of Remarks by Junichi Arimura (President & CEO) Meeting of Group Companies, Nikko Cordial Corporation (Mar. 24, 2006) and General Managers' Meeting, Nikko Cordial Securities Inc. (Mar. 25, 2006) Nikko Cordial Corporation's Innovative Management toward its 90th Anniversary
Change of Directors
Establishment of a new company Presenting Japan's first genuine Family Office Services
Contribution to the Securities Market Infrastructure Improvement Fund
Statement on Today's Media Reports concerning Erroneous Orders
Tie-up with Yahoo Japan Corporation in Securities Intermediary Service
Nikko Cordial Securities and Mizuho Securities jointly arranged privately placed real estate investment fund
Change of Directors
Banque Privee Edmond de Rothschild Europe and Nikko Cordial Securities Form Alliance in Japanese Private Banking Business
Summary of Remarks by Junichi Arimura (President & CEO) Meeting of Group Companies, Nikko Cordial Corporation (Mar. 25, 2005) and General Managers' Meeting, Nikko Cordial Securities Inc. (Mar. 26, 2005)
Change in Directors
Signing of Formal Business Cooperation Agreement between Nikko Cordial Corporation, Nikko Cordial Securities, Mizuho Corporate Bank and Mizuho Securities
Agreement on Cooperation in Equity Underwriting Business among Nikko Cordial Securities, Nikko Citigroup and Mizuho Securities
Business Alliance among Nikko Cordial Corporation , Nikko Cordial Securities Inc., Mizuho Corporate Bank, Ltd. and Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
Nikko Cordial Securities and Lawson to Consider Comprehensive Business Alliance
Transformation into the Holding Company Structure - Re-born as Nikko Cordial Corporation and Nikko Cordial Securities Inc. -
Nikko Eco Fund Won Good Design Award 2001 - First Award for Financial Products -
Nikko Cordial Corporation's Web Site and Nikko Cordial Securities Inc.'s Web site are launched.
On October 1, 2009, we assumed responsibility for all former Nikko Cordial Securities Inc. operations and certain Nikko Citigroup Limited businesses by means of an absorption-type corporate demerger and started operations anew as Nikko Cordial Securities Inc. On April 1, 2011, Nikko Cordial Securities Inc changed its name to SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. Information prior to September 30, 2009 is that announced by the former Nikko Cordial Securities Inc.
- *This includes some information announced by the parent company of the former Nikko Cordial Securities Inc.
For press releases on this page, please read Nikko Cordial Securities Inc. as SMBC Nikko Securities Inc.
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- When you purchase products or services described on the Press Release page of this website, there may be prescribed fees or other charges. These products and services carry risk of loss due to factors such as price fluctuations. Customers should carefully read any pre-agreement documentation, prospectus, and other information relating to these products for details on charges and fees and any inherent risks. Similarly, customers should read carefully any customer brochures or other documentation for details on charges and fees for services. The information contained in such press releases are current as of the date of the release and may differ from the current version.